Ridgeway Primary School


Our Curriculum

At Ridgeway Primary School, we believe that the learning journey is a lifelong experience and we aim to enable all children to make sense of their learning and be equipped for our ever changing world by encouraging a passion for learning, fostering curiosity and nurturing creativity.

We recognise our responsibility to instil in our children the values and skills they will need for life in modern Britain, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development underpins all of our learning.

We have created an exciting and stimulating set of topics, to cover the National Curriculum, providing cross-curricular opportunities to extend and apply learning to other areas wherever possible. In all our lessons, we encourage children to develop as independent and active learners and we nurture inquiry. 

We use History, Geography or Science as the drivers and stimuli for each topic then use Art, DT, and Music etc. to enhance and deepen the learning.

Certain subjects, such as RE, PE, Computing, MFL in Key Stage 2 (French) and PSHE are sometimes taught discretely.


Our exciting curriculum overviews are detailed below 

Our curriculum pages...