Ridgeway Primary School



Information for Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their Families.


Here at Ridgeway Primary School, we believe that the learning journey is a lifelong experience and we aim to enable all children to make sense of their learning.


At Ridgeway, we pride ourselves in developing the whole child; celebrating arts, sports and out of school successes as much as the academic learning. Learning starts with quality first teaching; exciting lessons that promote a love of learning and a desire to develop. However, some children have special educational needs and as such need more support. We have a proven track record on ensuring these needs are met and that all children are included in learning. We ensure that we build and use close partnerships with parents and outside agencies, and support the Derbyshire Local Offer for the range of support and expertise it offers.


So no matter who the child, or what their individual needs our aim is the same; to enable all children to become confident, successful and flourishing learners in the belief that they are loved and valued in our school community.



Miss Mason is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Please, feel free to contact them via the school office or via the SEND email.

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The Derbyshire Local Offer
This is an interactive website showing the provision available in Derbyshire for children and young people aged 0 - 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


Derbyshire Information Advice & Support Service for SEND

Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) is the new name for the Parent Partnership Service. We provide independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers. This includes Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Dyslexia or any other special educational need.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Our children are assessed regularly, if they are not achieving the expected academic level for their age then we will consider if they need extra help in school. We also notice if there are behaviour or emotional changes in our children and may ask parents if anything has changed in home circumstances.
Parents are also able to inform school if they feel their child needs extra help - speak to the class teacher.

Talk to your child's teacher.
They will discuss your worries and make a decision how to move forward - this could involve your child going on the list of children who need extra support in school, but may not.

The class teacher or SENCO will discuss any support with you.

Class teachers adapt all the work in school to match the needs of the children in their class, this is called differentiation.
If your child needs more individual support, advice may be given by outside agencies such as a speech therapist, a support teacher for the physically impaired or a behaviour specialist.

Children who are receiving extra support in school have a support plan to record what is being done, when and by whom. The class teacher will meet with you every other term to review the plan and set new targets.
You can also speak to the teacher at any other time to find out how your child is doing.

The class teacher will discuss with you the best way to support your child. We aim to be child centred in our approach so teacher, parent and pupil voices are all used to design a support plan and review progress. Targets and actions will be recorded on a plan and this will be shared with you.

At Ridgeway we pride ourselves on how well we know our children and we aim to make sure they are happy, safe and valued throughout their time at school. If we have any concerns we will discuss them with you, you can also approach the class teacher if you have concerns.
Overall well being is paramount to children learning and fulfilling their potential.
If we cannot provide the necessary support within school we will refer to the appropriate outside agency eg MAT team, Childrens Centre.

We have support from the Authority in the form of
Local Inclusion Officer
Educational Psychologist
Education Welfare Service
Virtual School - for Children in Care
SSSEN teachers - for pupils with a statement
MAT - family support
School Nurse
School Doctor
Autism Outreach - once diagnosed
Physical Impairment - support teachers
Vision/Hearing Impairment - support teachers
Parent Partnership - impartial advice and support

You can find out more about these services on the Local Offer website.
(See link at the top of the page)

We will usually think of something to ensure everyone is included in activities out of the classroom!
If you have any ideas please feel free to share them with us too.

Ridgeway is mainly built on one level so is extremely accessible for most people. (We have a ramp where the floor level changes at one point in the school but there is a hand rail for support.)
The back of school requires steps but the whole school is accessible via the main entrance.
There are two easy access toilets. The corridors are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair and door frames are standard or wider.
We use the Community Room for PE. This is the building across the road from school and it has a ramp for access and is again built on one level. It is a short walk from the school.

We have 'new starter' sessions for all children to visit and get to know the staff and other children. If your child has additional needs and we feel that more visits are necessary then we will arrange this with you. The staff will also hold meetings with yourself and any other agencies who are already involved with your child to ensure a smooth transition.

You will be invited to share your views and those of your child on how they are progressing. Then you will be invited to a meeting every other term to discuss your child's progress and agree new targets. Some of the targets will require home support as well as school support. You can also make an appointment to talk with the class teacher at any other time.

Any of the Ridgeway team
- Class teacher
- SENCO - Mrs. Naylor
- Head Teacher - Mr. Wilson


Derbyshire Local Offer Website (see link at the top of the page)