Ridgeway Primary School


Meet the Governors


Jim Brimble
Co-opted Governor

Term of office: 25 September 2023 - 24 September 2027

Roles & responsibilities: Link Governor: Safeguarding and Anti-bullying 

I have lived in Mosborough for the past twenty-plus years. I have a daughter who attended Ridgeway Primary School. I am actively involved in community events. I have previous experience as a Governor in a secondary school. I have professional experience in Finance, Recruitment, Contract Management and Customer Services.

As a Governor at Ridgeway Primary School, I have a desire to see the school continue to deliver the highest quality of education to pupils and participate in the community.

Rob Moffatt
Co-opted Governor

Term of office: 24 March 2021 - 23 March 2025

Roles & responsibilities: Vice Chair. Link Governor: Health & Safety, School website 

As parents we want our children to be happy, confident and become the best they can and would want the school to achieve the same for every child that comes through the door.  We need to support the school, but when necessary ensure that it’s held to account. 

I've a proven track record of managing a wide range of people, embraced change in some challenging times and believe this experience would be beneficial. I’m used to asking difficult questions and speaking up for what’s most important, I’ve time available to offer my support  and I’ve much to offer the school.

Ian Westwood
Co-opted Governor

Term of office: 12 January 2022-11 January 2026

Roles & responsibilities: Chair of Governors. Link Governor: Music

I live locally, near to Ridgeway and I have two children who attend Ridgeway Primary School.  I have many passions, which have changed over time but I enjoy socialising, taking part in or watching sport - in particular football.  I like to keep fit and am a firm believer in how keeping fit can keep the mind balanced.  I hope that my skills, accrued in my job working for government, will help to support me in my School Governor role.  Lastly, I am passionate about our children's future, so be assured that my views will be geared around how decisions can support or impact our children in the future. 

Lucy Mottram
Co-opted Governor

Term of office: 29 March 2023 - 28 March 2027

Roles & responsibilities: Link Governor: English, History & Geography, Education Visits

I am parent of a child at Ridgeway Primary school and so I know the importance that every stage of primary school education has in laying the foundations of a young person's future.  Safe, happy children become confident, independent learners and I want to be supportive in the decision making process to meet those core values.

I am Deputy Leader of the Humanities Faculty in a large secondary school in Derbyshire, having become qualified as a teacher 20 years ago.  I aim to use both my professional and personal experiences in the role of Parent governor to make a positive contribution to all children's school experience

Carolyn Renwick
Local Authority Governor

Term of office: 6 April 2022 - 5 April 2026

Roles & responsibilities: Link Governor: Maths

I am thrilled to be a Governor at Ridgeway Primary school. I have lived in Ridgeway since 1994 and my husband’s family have lived here for generations.  I have had 2 children enjoy their time through the school.  I am an active volunteer in the local community and am secretary and trustee at the Ridgeway Sports & Social Club. 

I am also involved with local politics and am Chairman of the local Conservative Party.  I have a business & finance background and a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics.

Fran Hanson
Parent Governor

Term of office: 24 January 2024 - 23 January 2026

Roles & responsibilities: Co-link Governor for SEND

In my role as a parent, I am deeply committed to fostering a positive and inclusive educational environment for all students. As a potential parent governor, I am to contribute my dedication, communication skills, and collaborative sprit to support the school's mission in providing a nurturing and enriching experience for every child. My involvement as a parent of a child who attends Ridgeway Primary School and a genuine interest in the well-being of students positions me well to represent the parent community effectively.

At present I work as the behaviour lead at an SEMH school in Sheffield, I have a passion for fostering a calm and purposeful environment in educational settings, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in working with students who have additional learning needs. As an advanced Team Teach tutor, I am able to deliver extensive knowledge and training on de-escalation in schools. I've developed a keen understanding of the dynamics influencing student behaviour. I have experience of adapting a trauma informed culture across a school environment. My approach combines empathy and firmness to address challenges, implementing proactive strategies to create a supportive atmosphere for both students and staff. I am dedicated to cultivating a school culture that emphasizes respect, responsibility, and resilience. I am advanced safeguarding trained by Sheffield local authority and have worked in a SEMH setting for over eight years.

As a parent I am keen to contribute my knowledge from working in a SEMH setting to ensure that the children who attend Ridgeway Primary School have the best educational experience as possible. By sharing knowledge and working collaboratively with the school's leadership team and the governing body.


Joel Beeden-Fogg
Parent Governor

Term of office: 24 January 2024 - 23 January 2026

Roles & responsibilities: Co-link Governor for SEND

 I am proud to be a Parent Governor at Ridgeway Primary School. As well as being the parent of a child in Reception, my role as an Assistant Headteacher and SENCO within Derbyshire gives me extensive knowledge of the education sector. I have a passion for promoting inclusion and recognise the challenges faced by many parents and teachers to ensure their children achieve their fullest potential. Our children spend so much over their lives at school and I am passionate about developing the opportunities that all students experience is the classroom and beyond!  





Victoria Barnes
Staff Governor

Term of office: 10 January 2023- 9 January 2025

I have been a teacher at Ridgeway Primary School since I qualified from university and, having volunteered at school on multiple occasions prior to my teacher training, I feel privileged to be part of the Ridgeway School community.  I am incredibly passionate about children having the best possible education and experience at school; both academically and in their personal, social and emotional development. 

I believe in lifelong learning and never shy away from a challenge, always seeking the next opportunity to further my knowledge and skills.  As well as being a class teacher within school, I have a passion for music and sport which has led me to support and lead wider enrichment opportunities, such as Young Voices and various sporting events.  I enjoy travelling, horse riding, cricket and spending time with my husband and two boys.

I look forward to supporting the Governing Body in driving our school forward.

Iain Wilson
Head Teacher

Start of office: 1 January 2017

I grew up in Lincolnshire and attended Lincoln University to study Media Production before moving to Bishop Grosseteste University College to qualify as a Primary Teacher. I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of Ridgeway Primary School. I am passionate about developing and growing a culture of respect, resilience and pride in the school to ensure that all of the children become the best they can be. I am also a father of three; a son and two daughters, so I have the perspective of a parent as well as a teacher and leader. 

To see information about Governors who have recently left the Board of Governors click here.