Ridgeway Primary School


Governor Attendance


Attendance for Governing Board Meetings 2023 – 2024:

Board Meetings 2023 – 2024:

Governor Nov. 23 Dec. 23 Jan. 24 Mar. 24 Jul. 24 %
Victoria Barnes P 60
Jim Brimble P 100
Rob Moffatt A 100
Lucy Mottram A 75
Carolyn Renwick P 80
Ian Westwood P 100
Iain Wilson P 100
- 50
- 80
- 60
- 40
- 40
- 60

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted

Attendance for Governing Board Meetings 2022 – 2023:

Full Governing Board Meetings 2022 – 2023:

Governor Sept. 22 Jan. 23 Mar. 23 May 23 Jul. 23 %
Jim Brimble A A P P P 60
Stacey Flint P P P P P 100
Kay McKenna P P P P term of office ended 100
Kirsty Mason P P A P resigned 75
Lucy Mottram P A P P P 80
Rob Moffatt P P P P P 100
Lucy Potts P resigned resigned resigned resigned 100
Victoria Barnes N/A A P A P 50
Carolyn Renwick A P P P P 80
David Tingle A P P P A 60
Ian Westwood A A A P P 40
Iain Wilson P A A A P 40
Cathy Naylor (Acting Headteacher) N/A P P P N/A 60

 P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted


Resource Management Committee Meetings 2022 – 2023:

Governor Nov. 22 Jun. 23 %
Jim Brimble P meeting cancelled 100
Kirsty Mason P meeting cancelled 100
Rob Moffatt P meeting cancelled 100
Ian Westwood P meeting cancelled 100
Stacey Flint P meeting cancelled 100
Iain Wilson A meeting cancelled 0
Cathy Naylor (Acting Headteacher) P meeting cancelled 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted


Teaching & Learning Committee Meetings 2022 – 2023:

Governor Jan. 23 Apr. 23 %
Iain Wilson A meeting cancelled 0
Kay McKenna P meeting cancelled 100
Lucy Mottram P meeting cancelled 100
Stacey Flint P meeting cancelled 100
Carolyn Renwick A meeting cancelled 0

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted


Attendance for Governing Board Meetings 2021 – 2022:

Full Governing Board Meetings 2021 – 2022:

Governor Sept. 21 Jan. 22 Apr. 22 Jul. 22 %
Emma Allen A Resigned from post Resigned from post Resigned from post 0
Jim Brimble P P P P 100
Stacey Flint P P P P 100
Kirsty Mason P P P P 100
Kay McKenna P P P P 100
Rob Moffatt P P P P 100
Lucy Mottram P P P P 100
Lucy Potts P P P P 100
Carolyn Renwick P P P A 75
David Tingle P P P P 100
Ian Westwood Co-opted 12/1/22 P P P 100
Iain Wilson P A P P 100
Cathy Naylor (Acting Head) N/A P P N/A 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted


Resource Management Committee Meetings 2021 – 2022: 

Governor Nov. 21 Mar. 22 Jun. 22 %
Emma Allen A Resigned N/A 0
Jim Brimble P P P 100
Stacey Flint P P P 100
Kirsty Mason P P P 100
Rob Moffatt P P P 100
Ian Westwood Co-opted 12/1/22 A P 50
Iain Wilson A

P 100
Cathy Naylor (Acting Head) P

N/A 100
Carolyn Clethro (Associate) A



P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted



Teaching & Learning Committee Meetings 2021 – 2022:

Governor Nov. 21 Mar. 22 Jul. 22 %
Stacey Flint P P Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 100
Kay McKenna P P Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 100
Lucy Mottram P A Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 50
Carolyn Renwick A P Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 50
David Tingle P P Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 100
Iain Wilson A A Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 100
Cathy Naylor (Acting Head)                 P P Meeting combined with FGB JUL 22 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted



Attendance for Governing Board Meetings 2020 – 2021:

Full Governing Board Meetings 2020 – 2021:

Governor Sept. 20 Dec. 20 Mar. 21 Jul. 21 %
Jim Brimble P P P P 100
Corinne Evans P P P P 100
Margaret Fairclough P P P A 75
Stacey Flint P P P P 100
Kirsty Mason P P P P 100
Rob Moffatt P P P P 100
Carolyn Renwick P P P P 100
David Tingle P P A A 50
Iain Wilson P P P P 100
Emma Allen P P A P 75
Lucy Mottram Not in post Not in post Not in post P 100
Kay McKenna     Not in post Not in post Not in post P 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted


Resource Management Committee Meetings 2020 – 2021: 

Governor Nov. 20 Mar. 21 Jun. 21 %
Jim Brimble P P N 67
Stacey Flint P P P 100
Kirsty Mason P P P 100
Rob Moffatt P P P 100
Emma Allen P A N 33
Iain Wilson P


P 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted



Teaching & Learning Committee Meetings 2020 – 2021:

Governor Nov. 20 Mar. 21 Jul. 21 (No meeting held) %
Margaret Fairclough P P 100
Stacey Flint P A 50
Carolyn Renwick P P 100
David Tingle P P 100
Iain Wilson P P 100

P = Present     A = Apologies Accepted     N = Not present and apologies not received or accepted